NEWSLETTER FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER    

The health benefits of Shilajit


       Shilajit (sheel-a-jeet) is translated from the Sanskrit language and means “the destroyer of weakness.” Sanskrit is an ancient language still spoken in parts of India. Shilajit is a substance found deep in the rocks of various mountain ranges around the world. It is particularly prevalent in the Himalayas. It has been used as a therapeutic agent in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years in India. Ayurvedic is a health system that relies heavily on plants and plant derivatives for the healing of the body.

       Shilajit is blackish-brown in color and is a sticky tar-like substance which is soluble in water.  It is made up of humus and infused minerals derived from rock. Humus is decayed plant material. Shilajit is high in a humic substance called fulvic acid.  Research has shown that fulvic acid is the primary element in shilajit that gives it its therapeutic effect.    

       Fulvic acid is a compound that’s formed as the result of microorganisms in the soil breaking down plant material over long periods of time. Studies have shown that fulvic acid reduces inflammation and boosts immunity.  Fulvic acid has been found to be effective in the removal from the body of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic. Heavy metals can bind to the cells of organs in the body and interfere with the organs ability to function properly. 

       Research with fulvic acid indicates it can contribute to brain health.  Animal studies done using shilajit showed a reduction in swelling and pressure on the brain after traumatic brain injury.  Test-tube studies show that fulvic acid significantly interferes with the clumping of tau proteins in the brain.  The clumping of tau proteins in the brain has been identified as a chief cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

       A twenty-four week study involving people with Alzheimer’s disease showed that supplementing with shilajit along with B vitamins resulted in the stabilization of brain function whereas this was not the case with a placebo group.  Some research indicates shilajit may enhance memory.   

       In a randomized double blind and placebo controlled clinical study reported on in PubMed, shilajit was used to determine its effectiveness on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers ages 45 to 55.  Each volunteer was given 250 mg of shilajit twice a day for 90 days.  The study revealed there to be a significant increase in total and free testosterone compared with the placebo group.

       In an abstract published in PubMed in 2014, it was stated that the “safety of shilajit is well documented based on animal and human studies. Various research studies indicate that shilajit exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, immunomodulatory, and anti-dyslipidemic (imbalance of lipids in the body) properties. Animal and human studies indicate that shilajit enhances spermatogenesis. Furthermore, animal and human data support its use as a 'revitalizer', enhancing physical performance and relieving fatigue with enhanced production of ATP.” ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is an organic compound present in all cells of the body that is instrumental in the production of energy.

       In a 12-week study involving 60 adults with obesity, 500 mg of shilajit daily helped improve muscle strength. An 8-week study in 63 men showed similar results using the same dosage of shilajit. Ayurvedic medicine has used shilajit for centuries to improve health of the intestinal tract. Some research indicates shilajit enhances the presence of friendly bacteria in the gut and enhances nutrient absorption. Animal studies have shown fluvic acid, as found in shilajit, lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol (the good guys).

       As can be seen from this brief introduction to shilajit, it can be a very valuable addition to your supplement program.  At Milk ‘N Honey we carry shilajit in capsule, liquid and gelatin form.



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